Sunday, August 26, 2012

Movies by the park

Movies by the park some weeks ago

so much food prepared!
I contributed hello kitty agar agar with lychee flavoured nata de coco, sausages, pineapples, dodos, and mini gui ling gaos

lil C playing with the pillow le bf bought for me to rest my back, as he knows my back gets tired pretty easily (:

lil c found herself a forklift!

It's really very amusing to watch both of them play together!
Such adorableness!

c with her make shift slide (my legs)

and she found herself a horsey!

thats when the DJ said: those with the yellow cards stand up

and she excitedly jumps up and starts running in circles

and then she started amusing herself with the cards. And dragged her mama to do it too

Such pure joy to see her around (: